Otopop Mani-Pedi

mani pedi for otopop

Changes in 1.8.5
Thaliak's Sandals of Casting

Pictomancer's Armlets
Piety Fingerstalls
Wyvernskin Gloves of Fending
Zormor Chaplets of Aiming

Appointed shoes
Bard's Sandals (M+F) same model as Choral Sandals 
Beckoner's Crackows
Blade's shoes of Fending
Blessed Espadrilles
Boii Boots
Bridesmaid's Sandals
Claro Walnut Sandals of Crafting
Educand's Shoes
Ephemerist's Crakows
Galleysoph's Shoes
Gemrise Crakows
Gyuki Leather Pattens
Salon Server's Shoes
Tantra Gaiters
Taoist's Shoes
Turali Traveler's Shoes
Valentione Acacia Shoes
Welkin Shoes

This mod contains all the feet and hands ingame that shows toes/fingers to the body type Otopop.

Install Instructions:

  1. Install Otopop. Good job, you now have skin.

  2. This mod assumes you have at least 1 tall mani-pedi installed since some gloves are seperated by male/female metadata.

Please install this or another simular modpack.

  1. Install This mod

A list can be found here of all included files:
Please submit a bug report if you find I missed a hand.
This modpack includes all current hands/feet within the game.

All shoes have been updated with the new foot/nail model, as well as smoothed out/reshaped to look better.
All hands have been improved quality wise as well.
Some hands even have a metadata variant to seperate short/long nails. I even made some nails affected by dye.

This modpack does not include small/emperor feet/hands since those are in the main installer.

Please note, this is over 300 items so there might be a bug or 2 I might have missed. I AM ONLY HUMAN. THIS IS A LOT OF MODS IN 1. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ENCOUNTER ANY BUGS of any sort.

Thank you.


Please don't use this for nsfw. It's a mani-pedi. Please use your hands/toes responsibly. Or it'll be back to blocks for you.

Download size DL size 55.87 MiB
Space required Space req. 127.37 MiB
  • Feet
    • 3D Models
    • Metadata
  • Hands
    • 3D Models
    • Metadata
  • Weapons
    • 3D Models
    • Metadata
  • Magitek Fingerstalls Nail Dye
    • Nails Dye with Color of Glove
  • Lucian Prince's Gloves
    1. Dyable Nails + Ring
    2. Clear Nails + Ring
    3. Dyable Nails + No Ring
    4. Clear Nails + No Ring
  • Oracle Leggings
    1. Clear Nails + Standard Heel
    2. Dyable Nails + Standard Heel
    3. Clear Nails + Stiletto
    4. Dyable Nails + Stiletto
Race and gender
Au Ra
  • Acolyte's Halfgloves
  • Aesthete's Fingerless Gloves of Crafting
  • Aesthete's Halfgloves of Gathering
  • Aetherial Boarskin Ringbands
  • Aetherial Boarskin Ringbands of Flames
  • Aetherial Boarskin Ringbands of Frost
  • Aetherial Boarskin Ringbands of Gales
  • Aetherial Boarskin Ringbands of Storms
  • Aetherial Boarskin Ringbands of Tides
  • Aetherial Boarskin Ringbands of Tremors
  • Aetherial Cobalt-plated Caligae
  • Aetherial Fingerless Boarskin Gloves
  • Aetherial Fingerless Goatskin Gloves
  • Aetherial Fingerless Peisteskin Gloves
  • Aetherial Fingerless Raptorskin Gloves