Eikonic (Clive Rosfield Mod for PLD) version 0.9.0 (Pre-Dawntrail)

vfx animation pld

Pre-Dawntrail mod
This mod was last updated before Dawntrail became available to download. This does not necessarily mean that the mod won't work, but please keep it in mind.
Changes in 0.9.1
Added an effect when receiving damage while under the effects of Precision Block (Knight's Resolve) buff. This buff is granted either by using Titanic Block (Holy Sheltron) or Intervention on an ally.

Showcase Video:

Overhauls the VFX and animations of the Paladin job inspired by Clive Rosfield and his various Eikonic abilities from Final Fantasy XVI.

Does not include changes to Intervention, Cover, Shield Bash, or leveling skills.

This mod is designed to be used with "The Emperor's New Shield" invisible shield glamour. All animations are made based off of that. Please keep that in mind if you wish to use this mod with a visible shield, as you will run into odd shield behavior. Full shield compatibility will be added at a later date.

It is highly recommended that you use Penumbra for this mod

Namingway copy-pasta:
{"Id":"af22a550-0def-4e2d-a4ab-bf0612bc9f12","Name":"Eikonic","Actions":{"9":"Eikonic Slice","15":"Eikonic Slash","3539":"Burning Blade","3538":"Rising Flames","25747":"Windup","7383":"Dancing Steel","16460":"Gouge","7384":"Charged Torrent","24":"Charged Magic","7381":"Scarlet Cyclone","23":"Megaflare","16461":"Precision Strike","16457":"Pile Drive","16458":"Diamond Dust","16459":"Iron Flash","25748":"Iron Flash II","25749":"Iron Flash III","25750":"Zantetsuken","20":"Semi-Prime","28":"Shield's Oath","32065":"Release Shield's Oath","25746":"Titanic Block","29067":"Titanic Block","3541":"Firelight","30":"Rift Slip","7385":"Awakening","3540":"Cold Snap","17":"Troubled Waters","22":"Will-o'-the-Wykes"},"Statuses":{"2673":"Eikonic Might","1368":"Eikonic Magic","1369":"Eikonic Magic","248":"Megaflare","76":"Semi-Primed","79":"Shield's Oath","3019":"Arm of Darkness","2674":"Titanic Block","3026":"Titanic Block","2675":"Precision Block","3188":"Precision Block","2676":"Favor of Earth","82":"Rift Slip","1302":"Rift Slip","1175":"Awakening","726":"Cold Snap","727":"Cold Snap","1362":"Cold Snap","2168":"Cold Snap","2169":"Cold Snap","74":"Troubled Waters","196":"Forevermore","1902":"Channel Garuda","1991":"Channel Garuda","77":"Will-o'-the-Wykes"}}


No permissions specified.
Download size DL size 23.74 MiB
Space required Space req. 60.84 MiB
  • Clive Idle Pose & Movement
    1. On
    2. Off
  • Weaponskills
    • Fast Blade / Riot Blade (Eikonic Slice / Eikonic Slash)
    • Royal Authority (Burning Blade)
    • Goring Blade (Rising Flames)
    • Atonement (Gouge)
    • Total Eclipse (Scarlet Cyclone)
    • Prominence (Pile Drive)
    • Charged Magic (Shield Lob)
  • Damage Abilities
    • Intervene (Precision Strike)
    • Expiacion (Windup)
    • Circle of Scorn (Megaflare)
    • Requiescat (Dancing Steel)
  • Spells, etc.
    1. Enable
    2. Disable
  • Iron Flash Combo (Confiteor Combo)
    • Iron Flash (Confiteor)
    • Iron Flash II (Blade of Faith)
    • Iron Flash III (Blade of Truth)
    • Zantetsuken (Blade of Valor)
  • Utility and Mitigation
    • Semi-Prime (Fight or Flight)
    • Troubled Waters (Sentinel)
    • Will-o'-the-Wykes (Bulwark)
    • Cold Snap (Divine Veil)
    • Titanic Block (Holy Sheltron)
    • Rift Slip (Hallowed Ground)
  • Limit Break: Forevermore (Last Bastion)
    1. Enable
    2. Disable
Race and gender
Au Ra
  • Action: Arboreal Will
  • Action: Astral Array
  • Action: Atonement
  • Action: Barkscore
  • Action: Beast Code
  • Action: Biting Blade
  • Action: Blade of Faith
  • Action: Blade of Truth
  • Action: Blade of Valor
  • Action: Blood Cyclone
  • Action: Bloodstain
  • Action: Bulwark
  • Action: Celestial Decree
  • Action: Chivalrous Spirit
  • Action: Circle of Binding